To market to market to … starts one of those nursery rhymes that instills the desire to shop until you drop. When I was younger, I would treasure the bag that the store gave you just as much as the item purchased. I saved the plastic bags from my favorite stores and flatten them thinking I would frame them one day. Now I have come to my senses and appreciate having a market bag to carry what I buy and save a bit more of our earth. I seek out those shoppers that covet their favorite market bag. Watching old movies, you will see those market bags hanging on the shoulder of a shopper riding their bike with their scarf flying like a sail in the wind.
On a more functional note, I don’t know the number of times I have witnesses the grocery canned items rolling around because the plastic grocery bag has met its match. A good market bag can hold the grocery canned goods, the bread that gets crushed, and the fresh produce that seem to find its way to the bottom of the bag.
Our area of the US rewards those who bring their own bag to events. Flea Markets, Craft Fairs, and Home and Garden shows will give you a discount if you bring your own bag when you enter the event. I know of a very organized person who lived outside of the city. She had a bag for each place that she traveled to. She would cut coupons for the stores she wanted to shop at and would put them in the bag for that city and when she would go, she had all her coupons, list of things she needed to get all ready when she walked out the door to travel.
I remember when we went to Disneyland the first time. I have quite the bag of things when the day was done. It had all the room for Mickey Mouse Ears, T-shirts, and other treasures that were obtained to remember that special once in a lifetime moment.
I have market bags in various sizes. The largest is the pillow hauler! And the smallest will hold candy and gifts. These lightweight, washable bags will hold all those little bags of things that collect during the shopping day. With the ever changing weather, having a sweater or pair of shorts tucked in your bag setting in the car or at your desk, but yet kept safely hidden in a bag, you will be ready for anything.
The grab and go of a market bag makes traveling so much nicer. Each person can have their own bag and can help with containing the chaos in the vehicle. The over-sized extra large bag is a great container to put snow clothes and boots when you go to the farm in the winter so the sled rides and snow fort builders do not have to stay in the house because they did not bring warm enough clothes.
Shop our bags for all seasons!